Termini di utilizzo

Cancellation and prepayment policies

Flexible – 7 days

  • The guest can cancel free of charge until 7 days before arrival. The guest will be charged 100% of the total price if they cancel in the 7 days before arrival. If the guest doesn’t show up they will be charged the total price.
  • No prepayment is needed.


  • The guest will be charged the total price if they cancel at any time.
  • The guest will be charged a prepayment of the total price at any time.

Children & extra beds

  • All children under 2 years stay free of charge for children’s cots/cribs.
  • There is no capacity for extra beds in the room.
  • The maximum number of children’s cots/cribs in a room is 1.


Cabana Blu Hotel & Suites hold an amount of the guests credit card prior to arrival to make sure that the card is valid.

Please note: Pre-authorisation is not the same as prepayment. Prepayment is when the guest is charged in advance, pre-authorisation is just a hold on their credit card.


Cabana Blu Hotel & Suites accepts below credit card types:

  • VISA


  • Smoking is not allowed.
  • Pets are allowed.
  • Parties/events are allowed on request.
  • Quiet hours 24:00 – 07:30